Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Pet Portraits plan

  1. I will be taking pictures of my dog.
  2. I will shoot inside.
  3. Natural lighting
  4. I'll probably need a tripod 
  5. Problems to encounter is having them in one place and not moving 
  6. I will over come the by having her favorite toy or treats 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Studio shot

Set 1 ( one light)





Set 2 ( Two lights)





Set 3 ( Three lights)





Tuesday, February 17, 2015

SmugMug Preparation

1. Content Blocks
To add content blocks, you drag it from customize drawer and drop it into our page.

2. Content Types
The types are: Photo, Navigation, Video, Design, Text, Social, Discovery, HTML and CSS

3. Photos
The four different ways are; Single photo- A block that contains a single image to any page, gallery, and folder. Multiple Photos- A block that contains more than one image to any page, gallery, and folder. Slideshow- Can add slideshow to page, gallery, or folder. Carousel- Photos can be added and with navigation arrows the visitor can click and go through the photos.

4. Navigation
Menu- Navigation bar with links to other pages on your site, and external sites you'd like your viewers to visit. Galleries- Display certain galleries. Folders- Display particular folders. Pages- Display certain pages. Folders, Galleries, and Pages- Display all types of content levels together. Breadcrumb- To reveal the links between your homepage and the page being viewed. Featured Events (Pro)- Feature and event on any page you create.

5. Design Elements
Logo: Include your logo anywhere on your SmugMug site to brand your pages.
Separator- Add page separators to your site to help guide viewers' eyes.

6. Colorspace
What "Colorspace" should your images be processed in to be uploaded to SmugMug?

7. Cropping
Should you crop your images before uploading to SmugMug? Why?
No because the customer can decided whiter to crop the size.

8. Resolution
What is the minimum resolution size for an 8" by 10" print?

Light Basics and Vocabulary

Part I
  • 1. What effect does it create?
  • 2. Why use it?
  • 3. How many lights or light sources?
Butterfly (or Paramount) - It creates a butterfly shape under the nose by having the main light source above and directly camera. If you wanted to get a glamour style photo. Number of lights 1.

Loop - It makes a small shadow of the subjects nose on their cheeks. If the ideal person or people have a oval-shaped face. Requires at least two lights to get the shadow on both sides of face.

Rembrandt - There are 2-3 light sources. The shadow of the subjects nose closes a loop under the shadow of the subjects cheek. If you are trying to create drama, creepy photo.

Split - The light splits the subjects face, which gives a strong high light side and a strong shadow side on the subjects face. If you are trying to get a dramatic look. There is one light source.

Broad and Short - It is similar to Rembrandt light, but the subject is turn away from the light. You may use if the person wanted to look slimmer instead of wider in the photo. Number lights would be 1 or 2 lights if you wanted to soften it.

Part II
Fill light- To lighten the shadows and control the main light source.
Key light (main light)-  The main pattern of light and shadows.
Hair light- Is a light that is above the subject and adds more highlights in the subjects hair.
Background light- To lit the background and make the subject stand out more.
Shadowless- No shadows are shown in the subject.
Hard light- A relatively small, direct, usually focusable source, that have strong high-lights.
Soft light- Indirect light, the total opposite of Hard light, softens the shadows. 
Grey card- An other source for light meter reading. Matte 18%
Reflector- Redirects the lighting to an other place.
Diffuser- Reduces the contrast of light, which softens the highlights, and shadows.
Intensity (Strength, or how to set shutter speed and aperture's appropriate to portraits)- If want more light then have the f stop low or want a less intensity then set the f stop higher or high ISO.
3:1 lighting ratio-W hen the light discrepancy between two light sources is one and a half f-stops.

Part III
Direction: Light is coming from
Intensity: Brightness of each light source 
Color: Color of light
Contrast: Transition from the highlights to the shadows subtle or sudden
Hardness: What do the edges of the shadow look like

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Canon 6D vs. T3i

1. The full frame captures the entire 35mm film which gives a better quality, but is does a poor job when it comes to ISO. While Crop Sensor dose a better job in ISO matters, even though the photo is cut to a minim size.

2. Advantages of the 6D camera is: that it has a full frame,  30% of image quality, battery endurance, better accuracy such as grip, can reach up to 41 µm² pixels.

3. The autofocus in the 5D is 61 point AF array while the 6D is a 11 point autofocus AF array. The 5D camera focuses better and more accurately since the AF is more sensitive.